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Showing posts with label Understanding naxsi rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Understanding naxsi rules. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Understanding naxsi rules

Rules are meant to search for patterns in parts of a request to detect attacks.

ie. DROP any request containing the string 'zz' in any GET or POST argument : MainRule id:424242 "str:zz" "mz:ARGS|BODY" "s:DROP";

Rules can be present at location level (BasicRule) or at http level (MainRule).

Rules have the following schema :

Everything must be quoted with double quotes, except the id part.

ID (id:...)

id:num is the unique numerical ID of the rule, that will be used in NAXSI_FMT or whitelists.

IDs inferior to 1000 are reserved for naxsi internal rules (protocol mismatch etc.)

Match Pattern

Match pattern can be a regular expression, a string match, or a call to a lib (libinjection) :

  • rx:foo|bar : will match foo or bar
  • str:foo|bar : will match foo|bar
  • d:libinj_xss : will match if libinjection says it's XSS (>= 0.55rc2)
  • d:libinj_sql : will match if libinjection says it's SQLi (>= 0.55rc2)

Using plain string match when possible is recommended, as it's way faster. All strings must be lowercase, since naxsi's matches are case insensitive.

Score (s:...)

s is the score section. You can create "named" counters: s:$FOOBAR:4 will increase counter $FOOBAR value by 4. One rule can increase several scores: s:$FOO:4,$BAR:8 will increase both $FOO by 4 and $BAR by 8. A rule can as well directly specifiy an action such a BLOCK (blocks the request in non-learning mode) or DROP (blocks the request even in learning mode) Named scores are later handled by CheckRules.

MatchZone (mz:...)

Please refer to Match Zones for details.

mz is the match zone, defining which part of the request will be inspected by the rule.

In rules, all matchzones but $URL*: are treated as OR conditions :

MainRule id:4242 str:z "mz:$ARGS_VAR:X|BODY";

pattern 'z' will be searched in GET var 'X' and all BODY vars.

MainRule id:4242 str:z "mz:$ARGS_VAR:X|BODY|$URL_X:^/foo";

pattern 'z' will be searched in GET var 'X' and all BODY vars as long as URL starts with /foo.

Starting from naxsi 0.55rc0, for unknown content-types, you can use the RAW_BODY match-zone. RAW_BODY rules looks like that:

MainRule id:4241 s:DROP str:RANDOMTHINGS mz:RAW_BODY;

Rules in the RAW_BODY zone will only applied when:

  • The Content-type is unknown (which means naxsi doesn't know how to properly parse the request)
  • id 11 (which is the internal blocking rule for 'unknown content-type') is whitelisted.

Then, the full body (url decoded and with null-bytes replaced by '0') is passed to this set of rules. The full body is matched again the regexes or string matches.

Whitelists for RAW_BODY rules are actually written just like normal body rules, such as:

BasicRule wl:4241 "mz:$URL:/rata|BODY";

Human readable message (msg:...)

msg is a string describing the pattern. This is mostly used for analyzing and to have some human-understandable text.

Negative Keyword (negative)

negative is a keyword that can be used to make a negative rule. Score is applied when the rule doesn't match :

MainRule negative "rx:multipart/form-data|application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "msg:Content is neither mulipart/x-www-form.." "mz:$HEADERS_VAR:Content-type" "s:$EVADE:4" id:1402;

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